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Lennon Collection

Lennon Collection

Lennon Collection

8th (Belfast) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment

After its establishment and training the 8th (Belfast) HAA joined the British Expeditionary Force in northern France before Christmas 1939.

Subsequently the men were evacuated back to England following the Fall of France. The regiment then saw action during the Battle of Britain and the Blitz before it was ordered to the Far East in the spring of 1942.

They spent the remainder of the war in action in the Arakan Campaigns where they gained the nickname ‘The Twelve Mile Snipers’ due to their accuracy at long range whilst fighting against the Imperial Japanese forces in the air and on the ground.

NIWM are pleased to hold a collection of items from Jim and his comrades from their time spent in the Far East with a selection on view below.

For more info on the 8th (Belfast) HAA please see our publications where our short booklet, 'The Twelve Mile Snipers' is available to download for free.

Lennon Collection

Pipe Bannerette NIWM:2012.1755.01

Model Howitzer NIWM:2012.1738

Sidecap NIWM:2012.1740

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