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NIWM Colouring Challenge

Grab your colouring pencils and have a go at our NIWM Colouring Challenges.

As part of our Colouring Challenge we are featuring parts of the Museum and its collection. If you have visited us before, you may remember seeing them but, just in case, we have included a short description about the items and a picture to help you recreate the colors.

We would love to see your completed artwork, tag us on social media using #niwarmemorial.

NIWM Colouring Challenge

GI Brides

Grab your colouring pencils and colour in this picture of a GI Bride on her wedding day.

Did you know? 1,800 Northern Irish women married US troops during the Second World War and they became known as 'GI Brides'.

Download GI Bride Colouring Challenge JPEG

NIWM Colouring Challenge

Wartime Dancing

Dances were very popular during the Second World War, why don't you have a go at colouring in this dance scene?

The quote on this colouring page is taken from the US Pocket Guide to Northern Ireland 1942 and says 'If you're interested in dancing, you'll find partners without difficulty in Belfast and the other big towns'.

Download Wartime Dancing Colouring Challenge JPEG

NIWM Colouring Challenge

Got Any Gum Chum?

'Got any gum chum?'

This was a very popular phrase that local children used to ask American troops stationed in Northern Ireland.

Colour in this picture of an American solider sharing some sweets with some local children.

Download Got Any Gum Chum Colouring Challenge JPEG

NIWM Colouring Challenge

Wartime Entertainment

Colour in this picture of Langford Lodge, 13th August 1944 as Glenn Miller Band and Supporting Acts perform at a special concert.

Can you count how many soldiers are in the picture?

Download Wartime Entertainment Colouring Challenge JPEG

NIWM Colouring Challenge

Allies Victory Songbook

This colouring sheet shows the cover of the Allies Victory Songbook. It is a rare example of a publication from Northern Ireland in the 1940s and is one of our most detailed colouring pages but you only need two colours to complete it - red and blue. Good Luck!

Download Allies Victory Songbook Colouring PDF

NIWM Colouring Challenge

Nursing Services

This colouring page shows part of our memorial stained glass window paying tribute to the important role that nurses have played during wars.

Find out more about our stained glass window on our Exhibitions page: Stained Glass Window

Download Nursing Services Colouring Challenge PDF

NIWM Colouring Challenge


This colouring challenge is based on a painting of Leading Seaman Jack Magennis from Belfast. He was awarded the Victoria Cross for his bravery as a diver in HM Midget Submarine XE-3 during its attack on the Japanese Cruiser Takao on 31 July 1945.

Download Magennis Colouring Challenge PDF

NIWM Colouring Challenge

Parlez Vous

This colouring challenge is based on the cover of an English-French phrase booklet that was published in 1942 for use by soldiers in France during the Second World War.

Download Parlez Vous Colouring Challenge PDF

NIWM Colouring Challenge

ARP Poster

This colouring challenge is based on a poster about the ARP. The government set up the ARP just before the Second World War began. ARP stood for Air Raid Precautions. ARP Wardens encouraged their neighbours to take precautions to protect themselves from the danger of air raids.

Download ARP Poster Colouring Challenge PDF

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