The Northern Ireland War Memorial will close for Christmas on Friday 20 December 2024 at 4:30pm. We will reopen on Monday 6 January 2025 at 10am.




Arts Council NI Grant

We are delighted to announce that the Northern Ireland War Memorial has been awarded a grant from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland's Arts & Older People Programme. The programme aims to increase opportunities for older people to engage with the arts while also promoting positive mental health and addressing related social issues such as poverty, isolation and loneliness.

For our Victory Voices project we are pleased to be partnering this spring with staff and residents from Trinity House Care Home in Garvagh and Cottage Care Home in Coleraine. Building on the success of our Sing for Victory singing and reminiscence workshops, the project aims to create two choirs from the residents of each care home under the direction of music therapist Karen Diamond. The workshops will include musical instruments and movement with the aim that the choirs perform at a final showcase event for each local community.

We are excited about the potential for this project and look forward to telling you more about it in the coming months.

Supported by the Arts & Older People Programme

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